To share our joy of actualizing the long-term goal — putting a permanent roof over FSTE Secretariat’s head until its further expansion — a small-scale celebration was held last month amid Government’s gathering requirements.  To comply with the regulations, our hands were tied in extending invitation further, but we hope that highlights below would virtually take you to the scene for a brief moment.

Spicing up the celebration, our Guest of Honor Ms Michelle Li, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, delivered a speech before unveiling simple ceremony alongside Prof Anthony Cheung, GBS, JP, Chairman of Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education, FSTE Chairman Prof Ronald Chung and Executive Committee Members.  It was most compelling when Ms Li shared “We are all beneficiaries of this sector one way or another”, in the sense that such encouragement aligned with FSTE’s primary mission: advancing the cause of lifelong learning.

Prof Chung addressed that we would not be able to secure our own office without the leadership of former FSTE Chairmen and aggregate effort of Directors for their laying solid foundation for FSTE over the years.  We simply grasped the opportunity.  This important milestone facilitates our provision of better services ahead.

We are beyond grateful for the presence of close working partners, official representatives from Member Institutions, Past Chairmen, and FSTE close friends.  This celebrative event, in which the stakeholders gathered, also embodied one of FSTE’s missions: providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and for the sharing of information and professional experience for the sector.

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